The idea of signing up to teenage modelling agencies might seem like a dream, but it can be a reality if you have the right kind of personality, and are willing to work hard. All the fun and the excitement aside, modelling is a job, and if you’re not prepared to put in the effort you won’t get anywhere.
You’ll need a strong personality
It will set you apart from the crowd, and can come across in photographs to make for truly interesting snaps. This does not, however, mean you should be a diva. Girls who are polite and take direction well will get on far better in the industry than those who think they know all there is to know before they’ve even attended their first shoot.
It’s all about learning how to behave like an adult, so a mature attitude is vital. If you get grumpy or throw a strop when you’re given criticism, people will remember. Always try to remember that it’s nothing personal, and it will help you grow and improve. It’s a close knit industry, and any tantrums could affect your ability to pick up work in future.
When you work hard and take direction well, people will remember and you’ll get good feedback to your teenage modelling agency.
Any hobbies?
Again, you’ll need something which makes you a little different.
Dancing and acting will help, as these kind of hobbies usually mean that you’re used to performing in front of an audience. Photo shoots are often busy places, with photographers, directors, makeup artists, other models and more, so if you get a little shy at times it might not be the right path for you to take. Include this information on your profile with your teenage modelling agency, as it might be a way of finding more suitable work for you.
You might feel a little silly, but if you can’t strike a pose by yourself in front of a mirror, are you going to be able to do it in front of a camera? Learn how your face looks when you pull certain expressions and you’ll grow more confident in your own skin.
Many teenage modelling agencies will require young people to appear in ‘natural’ looking photo shoots, and for these your poses just won’t be right. For this, you’ll need to be naturally photogenic (or at least be able to fake it well). Have friends and family take a few stills of you from a distance when you’re unaware of it, and then some when you are. What’s the difference between the two? How can you improve the photos where you knew someone was snapping you?
So have you got the right skill set? Are you capable of taking the initiative to try something new but also follow guidance and handle criticism? If you are, have a look at signing up to teenage modelling agencies because you could be well on your way to an exciting new hobby, or even a future career!